South Polytech
Engineering School, industrial and technological programs
SOUTH POLYTECH is one of the three schools of the Institut Universitaire des Grandes Ecoles des Tropiques (IUGET), Private Institute of Higher Education (IPES) placé sous la tutelle technique de l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique de Douala (ENSPD) and under the academic supervision of University Douala, Cameroon.
Students are admitted by competitive examination. Bachelor - Master - Doctorate system is used, with a predominance of the Master's degree. The official programs include a set of courses organized in lectures, tutorials, practical work, personal work, company visits and/or technical internships.
Undergraduate studies are designed to introduce students to industrial techniques. They are trained to assist engineers in the field. The validation of all the Teaching Units of 1st cycle corresponding to the number of approved credits gives the right to an admission to 2nd cycle and to the obtaining of a Bachelor's degree after writing an internship report.
The objectives of the second cycle courses are as follows :
- To give the student the professional knowledge of technology, advanced management and economics for an immediate functionality in business and an efficient integration in all structuring projects in Cameroon and Africa.
- To initiate students to search for solutions to problems through the acquisition of high-level scientific knowledge.
- To initiate students to the design and implementation of innovative technological projects at low cost. The studies of the 2nd cycle are sanctioned by the validation of all the training courses and teaching units corresponding to the number of credits indicated and the obtaining of the Diploma of Design Engineer.
- Bâtiment
- Chaudronnerie
- Construction Métallique
- E-Commerce et Marketing Numérique
- Électrotechnique
- Génie Logiciel
- Géomètre Topographe
- Infographie et Web Design
- Informatique Industrielle et Automatisme
- Ingénierie Pétrolière
- Mécatronique
- Mines et Géologie Appliquée
- Réseau et Sécurité
- Télécommunications
- Travaux Publics
- Urbanisme
- Bâtiment
- Géomètre Topographe
- Travaux Publics
- Génie Informatique Industrielle et Automatisme
- Génie Logiciel
- Télécommunication et Réseaux
- Qualité-Hygiène-Sécurité-Environnement
- Génie Electrique et Informatique Industrielle
- Administration et Sécurités Réseaux
- Urbanisme
- Système Informatique et réseaux
- Computer Network and System Maintenance
- Software Engineering
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Math-Algèbre
- Math-Analyse
- Sciences Physiques
- Chimie
- Electricité
- Notions d’Economie générale
- Notions de Droit
- Sciences de l’ingénieur
- Génie Mécatronique
- Génie Informatique Industrielle
- Génie Électrique
- Génie Mécanique et Productique
- Génie Civil et Environnement
- Q.H.S.E.